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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

La Grande Soirée

Once in a while,  there comes a great meal that makes you think "Wow, did I do that?" I'm talking a culinary masterpiece that is so epic, it leaves you with a food hangover... Oh yes. This has been known to happen.

Well hello there ETF Nation. It's your trusty Food Guru and I am back with another Guru/Maestro collabo. Oh yeah.... This is happening. So get ready to tickle your senses and be blown away. Get your food game up!

First up..... appetizers.

Bruschetta: Food Guru style.
You'll need:

  • French baguette
  • Mozzarella
  • Garlic
  • Tomatoes
  • Basil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Parmesano regiano


Combine the diced tomatoes, basil, salt, pepper in a bowl and set aside.

Slice the baguette into quarter inch slices. Toast them in the oven for few minutes to give them a light golden color and slightly crispy texture. Once they come out of the oven rub a clove of garlic directly onto them. Now it's layering time.

Place a teaspoon of tomatoes on the baguette. Next, layer it with the mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle some balsamic vinegar and finally thinly shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano. What? Oh you're probably wondering how to shave Parmesan cheese since it comes in that famous green container. Well ETF nation, let me school you in a little gourmet. Buy cheese in bulk. I don't mean go get a government issue wheel of it, but get a small hunk of it. You will never look at that green container again. Freshly grated cheese is king.

In each bite you will get the crunchiness of the baguette, the sweetness in the tomatoes and the tartness of the balsamic vinegar. The mozzarella cheese will bring everything together with it's neutral taste.

Mussels a la Guru
You'll need:
  • 2 lbs fresh mussels. None of the frozen kind pls.
  • 1 fresh red chili
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 bottle Chardonnay
  • Italian flat leaf parsley
  • Pepper

Wine-soaked mussels. ©RajRao
First, clean the mussels. You have to let the mussels sit in some water to clean the sand. Use a knife to cut the beard off the edges.

In a skillet add some Olive Oil. When the oil is hot add the shallots and once the shallots turn translucent add the mussels. Pour 2 cups of Chardonnay to the mix. Add half of the chopped garlic and cover the skillet for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes remove the lid and by now the mussels should have opened up. Add the chopped parsley, chopped red chili's and the remainder of the garlic.

Now it's ready to be enjoyed with some hard bread.

The combination of the wine and mussels is brilliant. The saltiness of the wine pairs well with the sweetness of the mussels. The chili's add a hint of spiciness at the end of each bite.  Overall it's a homerun.

Clean the meat. ©RajRao
Main course

Roast tenderloin
You'll need:
  • Tenderloin
  • Cumin powder
  • Paprika
  • Salt
  • Pepper

First and very importantly... Clean the tenderloin. Make sure you remove the silver back lining. If not you will be chewing for days later like the cow you want to enjoy.

Once the tenderloin is cleaned, rub it with the combination of cumin, paprika, salt and pepper, to taste.

A little black or white truffle butter elevates this dish.
Let it sit at room temperature for 10 minutes. Then heat a cast iron skillet on high heat. Add some oil and put the tenderloin on the pan. Let is sear on each side for at least two minutes before turning. After searing all four sides place the skillet in a 375 degree oven for 15 minutes for a good medium rare steak.
After taking the steak out of the oven, let it sit for at least 20 minutes before you cut it. This will ensure that all the juices will set in the steak. You definitely want this.

After 20 minutes it's time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.  The combination of paprika and  cumin will add some smokiness to the steak. Every bite will be tender and juicy. I'm saying this tastes so good, it'll make you want to dance in place and hum while you're eating it. You know that "I-got-food" happy? Yeah, you know.


Hey Guru, let the Maestro kick it one time....

He may be the Guru of all things culinary but I happen to be the Maestro of Sauces. I run this and I have for you a couple of my sauce signatures that will blow you away. Let's start with the compliment to Guru's delectable tenderloin...

Cognac Au Jus 
©Raj Rao
©Raj Rao
The Jus gives the beef tenderloin an added depth of flavor without masking the natural flavors in the beef.  The shallot and garlic aid in developing the complexity of the beef stock.  The cognac offers a slightly nutty flavor and caramel note to the Au Jus.

½ tbsp shallot
½ tsp garlic
½ quart beef stock
1 oz cognac
salt & pepper to taste

Potato Hash

©Raj Rao
This hash is not involved, but if done right the flavor will be savory and sweet with a crispy texture to boot.  The sweet potato adds a depth of sweetness to the straightforward russet potato.  The white onion provides an extra layer of sweet while the paprika balances the dish with a smoky aftertaste.
©Raj Rao

1 c. diced Sweet Potato
1 c. diced Russet Potato
½ c. minced white onion
1 tbsp. Paprika
salt & pepper to taste

 Dice up the potatoes and the white onions and mix together with the rest of the ingredients. Transfer contents to a preheated skillet on medium-high heat and sauté until it begins to brown. Reduce heat to medium and let the potatoes cook through but be careful not to overcook them. Stay close by. Once you potatoes are cooked and browned, remove from heat an prepare to serve as a bed for your beef tenderloin. 

Almond Panko Crusted Chicken Breast 
©Raj Rao
I enjoy using Panko bread crumbs rather than flour because Panko provides a crispier texture than flour.  The almonds heighten the flavor of the crust while adding a nuttiness to the crispy chicken.  As a food maestro I have to add red chili pepper so that the crust has the right amount of heat and spice.  

©Raj Rao

2 c. Panko Bread Crumb
1 c. ground almonds
1 tbsp. minced red chili pepper
¼ c. Italian Flat Leaf Parsley
3 whole eggs
¼ c. heavy cream
salt & pepper to taste

Mango Chutney
2 mangos
1 tbsp. red chili pepper
1 lime
salt & pepper to taste

©Raj Rao
Mango Dill Cream Sauce 

The dill and mango give the cream a vibrant acidity and a fruity note.  While the cream balances out the mango and dill and provides a rich flavor and notable texture.

½ tsp shallot
15.2 oz. or 1 retail bottle of Odwalla Mango Tango
 ½ pint of heavy cream
 corn starch slurry
1 tbsp. chopped dill
 salt & pepper to taste

So, think you have to be an internationally known Food Guru or Maestro to throw a kick ass dinner party? Nope. Just have to know how to work the ingredients and introduce your guests to flavours and tastes they have not experienced before. So, assignment for you till next time.... throw a small dinner party with some close friends, try out some of these recipes or message me for ideas and get your food game up! Please post comments on how your creations worked out, I would lovesome feedback.

This has been another Guru/Maestro culinary collabo.

Watch out for my upcoming blogs on a gastropub in Dallas, a French cafe to die for and of course some more of my own creations. And remember... MAVS FOREVER!!!

Food Guru out.

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